In areas of estate development, the width of the sidewalk should be about 1.5 m. The sidewalks should rise above the carriageway and separate from it with paved slopes called the pussies.
Pavement surfaces can be made of brick, stone, flagstone, gravel, slag, small cobblestones and other local materials. The coating is based on a layer of densely packed soil, construction debris, sand, etc. P. If you started building a sidewalk with your own hands, then read on for information.
As for the pavement surface, it must be firm, level, non-slippery, easy to clean and have a single slope from the building line to the flume. The slope is assigned to ensure convenient water drainage, its size is set depending on the pavement coverage. For asphalt, for example, the slope is taken at 1.5-2%, for brick it is 2-2.5%, for crushed stone and stuffed pavement it is 3%.
The main material for the device of crushed stone-navigable sidewalks is a gravel (prepared from stone, metallurgical and boiler patches) or brick battle and building garbage without clay-free. It is especially recommended to use crushed stone from old demolished buildings with lime and cement residues. Gravel sizes 1-8 cm.
The device of crushed stone and stuffed sidewalks is as follows. On the planned bottom of an earthen box with a depth equal to the thickness of the future sidewalk and with a slope towards the road, loose crushed stone is scattered with a layer of 12-15 cm with a margin for compaction. The scattering is carried out in two layers with its compaction layer by layer with a manual tamper or a light roller. Ramming and rolling are carried out with crushed stone watering with a scattering of fine propping material and lime fines.
When constructing a sidewalk above the surrounding soil, brick stops on the edge are installed along its edges. Brick sidewalks are made from ordinary red building bricks and from a silicate type, which justifies itself in areas with sandy soils.
The basis for this type of coating is sand, and in clay soils, boiler or metallurgical slag, gravel, crushed brick, as well as construction debris without chips. Base thickness 10-12 cm. With a slag or crushed stone base, in addition, a sandy layer 3-4 cm thick should be arranged, along which the brick is laid flat. If the brick is of poor quality with uneven planes, as well as with possible heavy movements, it is laid on the edge in regular rows, normally to the axis of the sidewalk or in a Christmas tree.
The edges of the sidewalk can be secured by laying a brick curb on edge. After filling the joints with sand and pouring water, the coating is rammed with a wooden tamper along a board 0.5-1 m long, laid on planted bricks.
Consumption of bricks per 1 mg of pavement when laying flat 33 pcs. and per edge 64 pcs. Garden paths on the estate do not have to be solid.