You bought a country house and do not know how to take your own site with inspiration? Maybe the ideas of stars such as Julianna Moore, Sting, Mark Ruffalo and others will help you.
Now many buy country houses for themselves. The sale of land is also carried out, such as those that offers the suburban village of the premium class “Shui Sloboda”. But as soon as you get your own housing in the suburbs and equip its interior, it is time to formalize the personal plot. It can be difficult to do independently, so many ask for help from landscape designers. And others are looking for inspiration on the network. In this article, we will tell you what celebrities were inspired when they take some main “love” as a basis and put it at the head of the idea of arranging the garden.
So, for example, the musician Sting and his wife have 900 acres of land in Tuscan vineyards. And they made the basis of their agricultural property the cultivation of organic products. This is, first of all, organic grapes and olive oil. The musician himself comments on his garden in that he wants to feed his family with natural products, which are grown in a healthy environment. And his priority is the method of housekeeping, when the land is nourished, not depleted.
And the famous TV presenter Ellen Dedenery and her spouse Deliyi and Russia own the ranch in Grestonu, built in the 1920s by actor William Powell. The destiny of this married couple is a vacation in the garden in the fresh air, so their yard is equipped with comfortable sun loungers under a large central oak tree. And this is almost all that their garden allocates. Simplicity and nature.
Almost also thinks Mark Ruffalo, who holds his garden simple and comfortable. Moreover, Mark himself built a simple shower in the open air on his farm in the state of New York and its site is very reminiscent of the traditional Russian cottage.
But actor Patrick Dampsi does not think a suburban life without a fire and food in the fresh air. Therefore, the basis of its summer cottage was a summer kitchen with an open living room.
Reese Witherspoon loves to walk barefoot, so on her 7-Acro Ranch in Ohai, California, Riz laid out the yards and paths from the decomposed granite. This prevents the appearance of a puddle and gives good sensations to the legs.
Actress Julianna Moore in her Greenwich-Villadge Townhouse adorned the exterior suspended horned fern. A peculiar garden creativity is the main accent of her garden.
Lina Danham lives in Hollywood and, as it relies here, has a beautiful house with a garden decorated with hedges. Her yard is a green lawn and hedges. Simple, but in Hollywood.
But Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has her own castle in Provence. Everything is also simple for them, but, as it is supposed to the stars of their level, great. They chose the simplest topic for their garden – the maximum amount of ordinary greenery all year round. Therefore, their garden is planted by all shades of green plants – from grapes to cypress.